NEWS & MEDIA /Announcement of Eligible Candidates for AESF Electoral General Assembly 2025/

Announcement of Eligible Candidates for AESF Electoral General Assembly 2025

24 MAR 25

Following the completion of the integrity check, the AESF Electoral Committee is pleased to confirm that all thirteen (13) Nominees have successfully met the eligibility requirements and are now officially recognized as Eligible Candidates for the upcoming elections.

The Eligible Candidates are as follows:

Candidates for President position:

·      HRH Prince Omar Bin Faisal, Jordan (Jordan Esports Federation)

·      Mr. Santi Lothong, Thailand (Thailand Esports Federation)


Candidates for Vice President position:

·      Mr. Abdullah Musaed Al Ali (Kuwait Esports Club) for West Asia region

·      Mr. Doniyorkhon Djuraev (Uzbekistan CyberSport Association) for Central Asia region

·      Mr. Do Viet Hung (Vietnam Recreational and Electronic Sport Association) for Southeast Asia

·      Mr. Lokesh Suji (Electronic Sports Federation of India) for South Asia region

·      Mr. Saeed Sharaf (Syrian Esports Association) for West Asia region

·      Mr. Youngman Kim (Korea e-Sports Association) for East Asia region


Candidates for Executive Board Member position:

·      Mr. Eddy Lim Che Chien (Pengurus Besar Esports Indonesia) for Southeast Asia region

·      Mr. Joebert Yu (Philippines Esports Organization) for Southeast Asia region

·      Mr. Mekan Eyeberdiyev (Turkmenistan National e-Sports Federation) for Central Asia region

·      Mr. Lau Chiu (Esports Association of Hong Kong, China) for East Asia region

·      Mr. Turki Al Fawzan (Saudi Esports Federation) for West Asia region

Effective 24 March 2025, the campaign period will commence, leading up to the AESF Electoral General Assembly on 6 April 2025. Candidates are reminded to conduct their campaigns ethically and responsibly, in full compliance with Article 11: Code of Conduct for campaigning of the AESF Electoral Code. Any breach of this provision will be subject to Article 12: Breach of Code of Conduct, which may result in disqualification, nullification of candidacy, or further disciplinary measures as deemed necessary by the Electoral Committee.

AESF extends its Congratulations to all eligible candidates and commends their dedication to the future of esports governance in Asia. We look forward to a transparent, fair, and democratic election process, ensuring the continued growth and integrity of esports across Asia.

AESF Secretariat

On behalf of AESF Electoral Committee